The Book
Here you will find information about my book Competitive MindStorms including the table of contents,
the introduction, a look at one of the projects in the book, and the building instructions for the mirror
subassemblies in the book.
The Table of Contents
The Introduction
A look at one of the projects
Click here to view the page for downloading the building instructions for the
mirror subassemblies in Competitive MINDSTORMS
LEGO(R) and MINDSTORMS(R) are registered trademarks of the LEGO
Group, which does not sponsor, endorse, or authorize this site. The
Competitive MINDSTORMS web site is unofficial and is used to
promote the book Competitive MINDSTORMS Copyright (C) 2004
David J. Perdue.   

Did You Know?
There are approximately 750
images in
Of these,
only seven are digital images
and the rest are computer
generated images. The latter
were made possible through
a free CAD (Computer Aided
Design) system known as
LDraw. Check out the
web site!
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