Conclusion of the Robotic Sumo Event
In Austin, Texas on June 2005,  the brand new Austin Chapter of TexLUG along with David J. Perdue
hosted its first LEGO MINDSTORMS robotic sumo event. There were a total of five sumo-bots competing.
Use the following links if you would like to see the rule set for the event:
Download pdf file of the rule set
Read the rule set online
Tim Rueger, who initiated and co-hosted the event, has written up a conclusion of the event with all the
specifics, including pictures. Click on the following links for the write-up and pictures:
Click Here to Read the Specifics
Click Here to View the Pictures
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promote the book Competitive MINDSTORMS Copyright (C) 2004
David J. Perdue.   

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LEGO sumo?
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about Lego MindStorms
robotic sumo? If so, head
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