How can I make a sumo-bot?
If you're ready to immediately begin making a sumo-bot, a great way to do so is
ets. My book Competitive MINDSTORMS can help
you to build sumo-bots with th
e MINDSTORMS Robotics Invention System,
program those sumo-bots, and test those sumo-bots.  

Also, here are some tips to keep in mind when making sumo-bots:

1. Remember, when building sumo-bots, the goal is to have fun. If you lose sight of
this fact, you might end up giving up on a sumo-bot project if problems and   
frustration occur.

2. No sumo-bot is perfect; this means that sumo-bots that I make and that you     
make will have "problems" or "weak-spots." But don't let this stop you from   
making attempts at solving the "problems" in your sumo-bots; there are often   
many ways to solve or get around problems that come up.

3. If you're new to making sumo-bots, it would be in your best interest to start with  
simple techniques and approaches. Simple things have much less that can go
wrong than complex things. In addition, simple things can perform just as well
as many complex techniques and approaches; still further, some complex
approaches can cause more problems than they solve, getting confused in
simple situations. Complexity and "smartness" can be beneficial, when used
correctly, but for beginners, I recommend simpler techniques and approaches.
The Gargantuan-Bot Chassis
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Competitive MINDSTORMS web site is unofficial and is used to
promote the book Competitive MINDSTORMS Copyright (C) 2004
David J. Perdue.   

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